How to get types for lexer and parser?

Hi everyone. For this project, I’d like to initialize a Csound AST from a JS subset. I found type TREE and ORCTOKEN for this and csoundCompileTree function. But I can’t find a way to import and use type definitions for the tokens and the parser rules (i.e. the type field in ORCTOKEN and TREE). Also, what is optype in ORCTOKEN? Is it rate? I can see those type definitions in the grammar files, but I’m not familiar with Flex and Bison enough. How can I import them? In overall, is it a good idea to initialize the tree directly or there are another way (initializers) for this?

The only js api I know of that actually mapped the TREE type is nwhetsell’s nodejs c-bindings. GitHub - nwhetsell/csound-api: Node.js bindings to Csound’s API but making a tree type available for js is defenitely on my todo list for the upcoming csound-wasm changes. I’ve already mapped other structs so adding TREE should be an easy addition.

Thanks for the reply. I was repeating it there and say it again here: this is not for JS :grimacing: I don’t know why they moved the thread to Web Csound right after I said it :sob:I’m interested in C API only, since the major part including bindings will be implemented in Rust.

To be more specific, I need token types from here:

Which is used for type field in ORCTOKEN.

And the type type field from TREE.

I need them to be able to initialize TREE from a subset of JS (= another programming language), which will be parsed by Rust. The tree then will be compiled by Csound. To initialize TREE, I need to be able to initialize ORCTOKEN. Or maybe there are some kind of special initializers for these types?

I moved that thread because your first sentence reads:

I want to develop a JS library

When you write that you want to build a JS library, people will probably assume you want to build somenting in JS :rofl:

I’ll move it to the developers forum. It’s a better fit there :wink:

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As it is now, tokens are created by the lexer (Engine/csound_orc.lex) and in the parser using helper functions from Engine/symbtab.c. The types from the .y file are transformed and generated into a .h file by yacc. I think the Csound API functions for compile tree weren’t ever completed for public use, , though that was the intention, and maybe having someone who is trying to use it will help motivate finishing out the API.

For now, if you build Csound, you can get the token types from your build directory in the csound_orcparse.h generated file. Mine looks like this:

/* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C

   Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */

/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
   part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
   under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
   parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
   as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
   the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
   special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
   Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
   License without this special exception.

   This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
   version 2.2 of Bison.  */

/* Tokens.  */
   /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
      know about them.  */
   enum yytokentype {
     NEWLINE = 258,
     S_NEQ = 259,
     S_AND = 260,
     S_OR = 261,
     S_LT = 262,
     S_LE = 263,
     S_EQ = 264,
     S_ADDIN = 265,
     S_SUBIN = 266,
     S_MULIN = 267,
     S_DIVIN = 268,
     S_GT = 269,
     S_GE = 270,
     S_BITSHIFT_LEFT = 271,
     LABEL_TOKEN = 273,
     IF_TOKEN = 274,
     T_OPCODE0 = 275,
     T_OPCODE0B = 276,
     T_OPCODE = 277,
     T_OPCODEB = 278,
     UDO_TOKEN = 279,
     UDOEND_TOKEN = 281,
     UDO_ANS_TOKEN = 282,
     UDO_ARGS_TOKEN = 283,
     ERROR_TOKEN = 284,
     T_FUNCTION = 285,
     T_FUNCTIONB = 286,
     INSTR_TOKEN = 287,
     ENDIN_TOKEN = 288,
     GOTO_TOKEN = 289,
     KGOTO_TOKEN = 290,
     IGOTO_TOKEN = 291,
     SRATE_TOKEN = 292,
     KRATE_TOKEN = 293,
     KSMPS_TOKEN = 294,
     NCHNLS_TOKEN = 295,
     NCHNLSI_TOKEN = 296,
     ZERODBFS_TOKEN = 297,
     A4_TOKEN = 298,
     STRING_TOKEN = 299,
     T_IDENT = 300,
     T_IDENTB = 301,
     INTEGER_TOKEN = 302,
     NUMBER_TOKEN = 303,
     THEN_TOKEN = 304,
     ITHEN_TOKEN = 305,
     KTHEN_TOKEN = 306,
     ELSEIF_TOKEN = 307,
     ELSE_TOKEN = 308,
     ENDIF_TOKEN = 309,
     UNTIL_TOKEN = 310,
     WHILE_TOKEN = 311,
     DO_TOKEN = 312,
     OD_TOKEN = 313,
     T_INSTLIST = 314,
     S_ELIPSIS = 315,
     T_ARRAY = 316,
     T_ARRAY_IDENT = 317,
     T_MAPI = 318,
     T_MAPK = 319,
     S_GEQ = 320,
     S_LEQ = 321,
     S_BITSHIFT_RIGHT = 322,
     S_UNOT = 323,
     S_UMINUS = 324,
     S_ATAT = 325,
     S_AT = 326,
     S_GOTO = 327,
     T_HIGHEST = 328
/* Tokens.  */
#define NEWLINE 258
#define S_NEQ 259
#define S_AND 260
#define S_OR 261
#define S_LT 262
#define S_LE 263
#define S_EQ 264
#define S_ADDIN 265
#define S_SUBIN 266
#define S_MULIN 267
#define S_DIVIN 268
#define S_GT 269
#define S_GE 270
#define S_BITSHIFT_LEFT 271
#define LABEL_TOKEN 273
#define IF_TOKEN 274
#define T_OPCODE0 275
#define T_OPCODE0B 276
#define T_OPCODE 277
#define T_OPCODEB 278
#define UDO_TOKEN 279
#define UDOEND_TOKEN 281
#define UDO_ANS_TOKEN 282
#define UDO_ARGS_TOKEN 283
#define ERROR_TOKEN 284
#define T_FUNCTION 285
#define T_FUNCTIONB 286
#define INSTR_TOKEN 287
#define ENDIN_TOKEN 288
#define GOTO_TOKEN 289
#define KGOTO_TOKEN 290
#define IGOTO_TOKEN 291
#define SRATE_TOKEN 292
#define KRATE_TOKEN 293
#define KSMPS_TOKEN 294
#define NCHNLS_TOKEN 295
#define NCHNLSI_TOKEN 296
#define ZERODBFS_TOKEN 297
#define A4_TOKEN 298
#define STRING_TOKEN 299
#define T_IDENT 300
#define T_IDENTB 301
#define INTEGER_TOKEN 302
#define NUMBER_TOKEN 303
#define THEN_TOKEN 304
#define ITHEN_TOKEN 305
#define KTHEN_TOKEN 306
#define ELSEIF_TOKEN 307
#define ELSE_TOKEN 308
#define ENDIF_TOKEN 309
#define UNTIL_TOKEN 310
#define WHILE_TOKEN 311
#define DO_TOKEN 312
#define OD_TOKEN 313
#define T_INSTLIST 314
#define S_ELIPSIS 315
#define T_ARRAY 316
#define T_ARRAY_IDENT 317
#define T_MAPI 318
#define T_MAPK 319
#define S_GEQ 320
#define S_LEQ 321
#define S_BITSHIFT_RIGHT 322
#define S_UNOT 323
#define S_UMINUS 324
#define S_ATAT 325
#define S_AT 326
#define S_GOTO 327
#define T_HIGHEST 328

#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
typedef int YYSTYPE;
# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */

However, one thing I am not certain about is if this gets generated exactly the same way between systems which may mean you would need the types that match the definitions compiled on your system. (Seems that we would need to create a stable mechanism for the token types to be public.)

As a practical matter, I would say it would be more reliable at this point to generate and eval Csound user-code rather than dip into the TREE structure, though it would be good to collaborate on modifying the API for TREE as well.

I’m not familiar enough with flex/bison, but maybe there’s some configuration for this? Or what about defining this type manually as a simple enum?

As a practical matter, I would say it would be more reliable at this point to generate and eval Csound user-code rather than dip into the TREE structure, though it would be good to collaborate on modifying the API for TREE as well.

That would be great to be able to parse any language into Csound AST directly, without parsing the Csound language first. That would allow making audio programming languages for Csound compiler, or as in my case audio extensions for existing languages, without any overheads. I’ll look into it. If it wouldn’t take much time, I could provide a PR.

Meanwhile, until I haven’t got familiar with flex/bison, what do you think about defining tokens manually?

Hm, Bison documentation mentions the ability to declare fixed numeric values for token types:

though with the caveat that:

It is generally best, however, to let Bison choose the numeric codes for all token kinds. Bison will automatically select codes that don’t conflict with each other or with normal characters.

I’m not certain yet what an ideal API for this would like. The other issue right now is that the CS7 AST is slightly different than the CS6 one. It’s been a while since I made changes there but it might be that a CS6 tree might not be valid in CS7.

Maybe that’s moot though; either way, some changes are necessary within Csound to facilitate this, and we’re trying to wrap up CS6 6.16.0 to move on to CS7. I imagine then any public TREE API would be done in CS7. Is having an API for TREE something that you think as a blocker for your project right now? Trying to think about what can be done in terms of scheduling.

No worries. It’s not blocking/critical. Just wanted to avoid redundant parsing. I’ll just delay this feature to the next version of the library and go with generating Csound code for now. Thanks!