hi there! I’m in no place to be asking for features and I don’t want to potentially put too much work/pressure on the shoulders of the devs out there, but I was wondering about the possible addition of a couple features into Csound… If there are already opcodes that do what I bring up I’m sorry if I wasted your time here!
One of the things I felt could be useful would be a scale opcode that works more like the scale object in Max - I found that there’s a scale opcode in Csound already but it seems that its input only allows numbers ranging from 0 to 1. It could be useful to have a scaling opcode that lets users input any range (or a much wider range) of numbers.
Another thing I’m wondering about is the possibility of an envelope generator (like linsegr, expsegr, and so on) whose parameters (the points’ values and the duration of the “tracing” in between the points) can be adjusted as a note is playing (so k or a rate, I think?). I’m in the process of building an instrument at the moment and it feels rather tedious/unnecessary to have to play another note every time I want to hear the effect of an envelope being changed (for example, adjusting the sustain value while holding the note and hearing the effect, instead of having to re-play the note over and over for each adjustment I make). Although the loopseg opcode exists, looping an envelope may not be what a user may be looking to do.
Perhaps there are workarounds and ways to achieve these things already and I haven’t figured them out yet. I’m going to keep trying to think of ways/alternatives to do these things but if anyone wants to chime in please feel free to help!