Orchestra file rejected by Linux

Dear colleagues,

On the BP3 project (https://bp3.tech) we are using the Csound 6.18 console in 3 environments: MacOS, Windows and Linux. No problem with MacOS and Linux, but in Linux our default orchestra file is rejected with an error
“syntax error, unexpected STRING_TOKEN (token “””)
e[m from file …/csound_resources/0-default.orc (1),e[m line 47"
which points at the first “connect” instruction. Below is the faulty “0-default.orc” file. Can you explain this error and how to correct it for compatibility with all environments?
I have already replaced all tabs with 4 spaces, as advised by ChatGPT :wink:

; New Csound instruments for BP3’s default Csound score output.
; They follow the specifications handled by BP3 version 3.0.0 and above.

; Instruments:
; 1 Plucked string (outputs to StereoDelay)
; 2 Plucked string (outputs to StereoChorus)
; 3 Synth brass (outputs to GlobalReverb)
; 10 Sine wave (outputs to GlobalReverb)
; Effects:
; StereoDelay (outputs to GlobalReverb)
; StereoChorus (outputs to GlobalReverb)
; GlobalReverb (outputs to file/speakers)

; Default instrument parameters used by BP3:
; p2 start time
; p3 duration
; p4 pitch in either octave point pitch-class or cps format
; Volume (range 0-127) is supplied by performance control _volume() as
; p5,p6 beginning & end volumes
; p7 a table number containing the volume function (or 0)
; When p7 is positive, the table is used instead of the beginning & end values
; Pitchbend is supplied in cents as
; p8,p9 beginning & end pitchbend values
; p10 a table number containing the pitchbend function (or 0)
; When p10 is positive, the table is used instead of the beginning & end values

; This file looks best with a tab size = 4 spaces.

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1.0

; Maximum amplitude of individual notes (adjust if samples overflow)
; Default value 1/12 should allow at least 12 simultaneous notes.
giMaxNoteAmp = 1.0/12.0


giSine ftgen 0, 0, 32769, 10, 1 ; sine wave


connect “1”, “delaySend”, “StereoDelay”, “delayin”

; these extra routings allow any instrument to be renumbered as instr 1
connect “1”, “chorusSendL”, “StereoChorus”, “chorusinL”
connect “1”, “chorusSendR”, “StereoChorus”, “chorusinR”
connect “1”, “reverbSendL”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinL”
connect “1”, “reverbSendR”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinR”

connect “2”, “chorusSendL”, “StereoChorus”, “chorusinL”
connect “2”, “chorusSendR”, “StereoChorus”, “chorusinR”
connect “3”, “reverbSendL”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinL”
connect “3”, “reverbSendR”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinR”
connect “10”, “reverbSendL”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinL”
connect “10”, “reverbSendR”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinR”

connect “StereoDelay”, “reverbSendL”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinL”
connect “StereoDelay”, “reverbSendR”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinR”
connect “StereoChorus”, “reverbSendL”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinL”
connect “StereoChorus”, “reverbSendR”, “GlobalReverb”, “reverbinR”


alwayson “StereoDelay”, 0.05, 0.08, 0.25
alwayson “StereoChorus”, 0.4, 0.5, 0.333, 0.80
alwayson “GlobalReverb”, 0.7, 16000, 0.3


; An opcode to convert pitch parameters to cycles per second (cps).
; Parameters less than 15.0 are interpreted as octave.pitchclass format,
; otherwise they are assumed to be frequencies already in cps.
opcode bp_pitch, i, i
ipitchparm xin

if (p4 < 15.0) then
    icps = cpspch(p4)
    icps = p4

xout    icps


; This opcode takes the default BP parameters p3 thru p10 and
; returns two k-rate signals for the instrument’s pitch and volume.
opcode bp_control, kk, iiiiiiii
idur, ip4, ip5, ip6, ip7, ip8, ip9, ip10 xin

ik1    = 1.0 / 127.0        ; scale Midi-range volumes (0-127)
ik2    = log(2.) / 1200.    ; constant to convert cents to frequency ratios
icps  bp_pitch  ip4
ifvol = ip7                ; volume table number
ifcents = ip10            ; pitchbend table number

kvol line ip5, idur, ip6
if (ifvol <= 0) goto volumelin
ilenvol = ftlen(ifvol)
kndxvol line 0, idur, ilenvol
kvol tablei kndxvol, ifvol

kcents line ip8, idur, ip9
if (ifcents <= 0) goto pitchbendlin
ilencents = ftlen(ifcents)
kndxcents line 0, idur, ilencents
kcents tablei kndxcents, ifcents

kpitch = icps * exp(kcents * ik2)

xout    kpitch, kvol * ik1



; Plucked string instrument with delay
instr 1
idur = p3
icps bp_pitch p4

kpitch, kvol  bp_control  idur, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10

kdclick    linseg    1.0, idur - 0.05, 1.0, 0.05, 0        ; declick envelope
kamp    =        kvol * kdclick * giMaxNoteAmp

a1        pluck    kamp, kpitch, icps, 0, 1
        ; outs    a1, a1
        outleta    "delaySend", a1


; Plucked string instrument with chorus
instr 2
idur = p3
icps bp_pitch p4

kpitch, kvol  bp_control  idur, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10

kdclick    linseg    1.0, idur - 0.05, 1.0, 0.05, 0        ; declick envelope
kamp    =        kvol * kdclick * giMaxNoteAmp

a1        pluck    kamp, kpitch, icps, 0, 1
        ; outs    a1, a1
        outleta    "chorusSendL", a1
        outleta    "chorusSendR", a1


; Synth Brass instrument
instr 3
idur = p3
iStereo = 0.7 ; stereo separation (0 to 1)
iDetune = 0.25 ; detune amount in Hz

; BP's default score parameters don't include "attack velocity",
; but with a custom setup we could plug it in here to make the shape
; and max amplitude of the amplitude envelope dynamic.
iAttVel        = 127                                            ; Midi Attack Velocity
iAttDelta    = 1.0 - (iAttVel/127)                            ; diff btw max attack and this note's
iamp        = iAttVel/127

; parameters for the ADSR envelope controlling amplitude
iAttTime    = 0.1 + 0.2 * iAttDelta                            ; envelope attack time
iDecTime    = 1.5 * iAttTime                                ; envelope decay time
iRelTime    = 0.1 * iAttDelta                                ; envelope release time
iSusTime    = idur - (iAttTime + iDecTime)                    ; envelope sustain time
iSusLevel    = 0.7

kpitch, kvol  bp_control  idur, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10

kaenv    xadsr    iAttTime, iDecTime, iSusLevel, iRelTime        ; amplitude envelope
kdclick    linseg    1.0, idur - 0.05, 1.0, 0.05, 0                ; declick envelope
kamp     =        iamp * kvol * kaenv * kdclick * giMaxNoteAmp

; a pair of detuned sawtooth oscillators
a1        vco2    kamp, kpitch + iDetune, 0                    ; 0 = sawtooth wave
a2        vco2    kamp, kpitch - iDetune, 0                    ; 0 = sawtooth wave

; mix the oscillators based on stereo separation amount
imain     =        0.5 * (iStereo + 1.0)
icross    =        1.0 - imain
aleft     =        imain*a1 + icross*a2
aright     =        imain*a2 + icross*a1
        ; outs    aleft, aright
        outleta    "reverbSendL", aleft
        outleta    "reverbSendR", aright


; Simple sine wave instrument
instr 10
idur = p3

kpitch, kvol  bp_control  idur, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10

kdclick     linseg  0, 0.02, 1.0, idur - 0.07, 1.0, 0.05, 0    ; declick envelope
kamp = kvol * kdclick * giMaxNoteAmp

a1    oscili    kamp, kpitch, giSine
    ; outs    a1, a1
    outleta    "reverbSendL", a1
    outleta    "reverbSendR", a1



; Stereo delay effect (mono input)
; p4 left delay time (in seconds)
; p5 right delay time (in seconds)
; p6 wet/dry mix (range 0-1)
instr StereoDelay
idelay1 = p4
idelay2 = p5
iwet1 = p6
iwet2 = p6 - 0.05
idry = 1.0 - iwet1
if (iwet2 < 0) then
iwet2 = 0

ain        inleta    "delayin"

adel1    delay    ain, idelay1
adel2    delay    ain, idelay2
aleft    =        ain*idry + adel1*iwet1
aright    =        ain*idry + adel2*iwet2

        outleta    "reverbSendL", aleft
        outleta    "reverbSendR", aright


; Dual stereo chorus effect
; p4 chorus depth (range 0-1)
; p5 chorus rate 1 (in Hz)
; p6 chorus rate 2 (in Hz)
; p7 wet/dry mix (range 0-1)
instr StereoChorus
idepth = p4
iLFOrate1 = p5
iLFOrate2 = p6
iwet = p7
idry = 1.0 - iwet

ainl    inleta    "chorusinL"
ainr    inleta    "chorusinR"

; delay times and max variability (in milliseconds)
ideltime1 = 37
idelvar1  = 5
ideltime2 = 23
idelvar2  = 1.75

; LFOs (low-frequency oscillators) modulate the delay times
alfo1    oscili    idepth*idelvar1, iLFOrate1, giSine
alfo2    oscili    idepth*idelvar2, iLFOrate2, giSine

; left channel delays
aldel1    vdelay    ainl, ideltime1+alfo1, ideltime1+idelvar1
aldel2    vdelay    ainl, ideltime2-alfo2, ideltime2+idelvar2

; right channel delays
ardel1    vdelay    ainr, ideltime1-alfo1, ideltime1+idelvar1
ardel2    vdelay    ainr, ideltime2+alfo2, ideltime2+idelvar2

aleft    =        ainl*idry + (aldel1+aldel2)*iwet*0.5
aright    =        ainr*idry + (ardel1+ardel2)*iwet*0.5

        outleta    "reverbSendL", aleft
        outleta    "reverbSendR", aright


; Global reverb effect
; p4 feedback level (range 0-1)
; p5 filter cutoff frequency
; p6 wet/dry mix (range 0-1)
instr GlobalReverb
ifeedbk = p4
icutoff = p5
iwet = p6
idry = 1.0 - iwet

ainl    inleta    "reverbinL"
ainr    inleta    "reverbinR"

arevl, arevr  reverbsc  ainl, ainr, ifeedbk, icutoff

aoutl    dcblock2    idry*ainl + iwet*arevl
aoutr    dcblock2    idry*ainr + iwet*arevr

        ; outs        idry*ainl + iwet*arevl, idry*ainr + iwet*arevr
        outs        aoutl, aoutr



You are using some non standard quotes ” Replace them with normal ASCII quotes "
Linux is picky in such regard.

Hope it helps!

K, 4. september 2024 16:22 Bernard Bel via The Csound Community <noreply@forum.csound.com> kirjutas:

On this forum, the quotes look non-standard. However, I have checked the “orc” file and can see that the 160 quotes it contains are standard.