Hi everyone,
I bought a MPE controller (Osmose) and I am trying to map MPE data to Csound instruments (because I’ll later need to record the values so that I can play back MPE performances, so I don’t want to ‘plug and play’ and record low quality audio).
Right now, I am just trying to make note on and offs work, continuous controls will be the next step.
Using midiin, I managed to trigger notes and turn them off with the help of kchan and kdata1 (-> midi note for kstatus = 144 and kstatus = 128 (note on / off)) in order to differentiate every note.
It works BUT there is an issue I struggle to solve : midi notes 62 and 82 seem to trigger two notes at the same time (the note that was played before and themselves, I think).
What is also strange is that those two notes can be heard if I change “i 1 0 3600” to “f 0 3600” in the score, no other note can be heard but those two notes when I press them on the controller (which I can’t explain).
Does anyone have any idea what is going on ?
Thank you
midiin_test_X2.csd (1.1 KB)
-o dac -M0 -b 1024 -B 128
; ==============================================
sr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1
gicos ftgen 0, 0, 4096, 11, 1
instr 1
kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2 midiin
ktrigger changed kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2
if ktrigger = 1 && kstatus != 0 then
if kstatus == 144 then
schedulek 2 + (1 / (kdata1 + kchan)), 0, -1, cpsmidinn(kdata1)
printk 0, kdata1
elseif kstatus == 128 then
turnoff2 2 + (1 / (kdata1 + kchan)), 4, 0
endin // okay, why do midi notes 62 et 82 bug ?
instr 2
out poscil3(0.0625, p4, gicos, 0)
; ==============================================
i 1 0 3600
;f 0 3600 // wow, okay, interesting .... it shows which notes bug (62 and 82)
status, data
note on : 144 -> midi note, velocity
note off : 128 -> midi note, velocity ?
channel aftertouch (1st press) : 208 -> pressure, 0
cc 74 (2nd press) : 176 -> 74, pressure
pitch bend : 224 -> pitch bend 1 (0 - 127), pitch bend 2 (0 - 127)