It takes a lot of patience but Csound has its merits. But damn, sometimes I could throw my computer out the window. Using compress for triggered signal expansion, got it to work more or less how I expected. Every time I press stop and then run again the output changes slightly. The trigger volume is locked and the signal being expanded also- so the final result should always be the same. The first time I play it it does what I want, at a moderate volume. Then the volume is increased. Then it is increased to the point that I hear sharp resonances I don’t want at all. Finally the effect is bypassed completely, and I hear just the non expanded signal… Then it loops?! Please give me a scientific answer with a solution that locks everything in place because I’m pulling the hairs out my head here. Latest version of csound and both clients I tested this on were not beta.
Solved xD. Don’t use a source of pink noise as your trigger just for being lazy. Use something percussive, or sample your burst of PN and it will be at the same amplitude every time. Sorry for the trouble.
good to know it could be solved.
for future i’d recomnmend you to choose the Csound category rather than
the CsoundQt one, because it there is nothing specifically related to