Having trouble with an if statement

I have this simple code. What I want is this to only print hey when I press a C note on my MIDI controller. It prints hey no matter which note I play.

form caption("Untitled") size(400, 300), guiMode("queue"), pluginId("def1")
keyboard bounds(8, 158, 381, 95)

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in    No messages
-odac           -iadc     -d         -M0  -+rtmidi=virtual ;;;RT audio I/O with MIDI in
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o midiin.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform


sr        =  44100
ksmps     =  10
nchnls    =  1

massign         0, 130 
pgmassign       0, 130  

instr   130

kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2                  midiin

if (kstatus == 144 && kdata1%12==0 ) then

prints "hey"




i130 0 3600


Hi @ozzylingo ,

try this:

if (kstatus == 144 && kdata1 == 60) then
prints "hey"

This will print “hey” every time you press the central C in the keyboard

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I also tried this, still doesn’t work.
Edit: Even if it did work, I want to implement this to a code that makes something everytime I press a C note regardless the octave.

I think that the issue is caused by “prints”, that is being executed at init time. So every time the instrument is executed the prints also executes, printing “hey”.
The branching should work correctly but you will need another way to print. Unfortunately I’m not 100% sure on which opcode I can suggest as a replacement :sweat_smile:

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you used the print statement at init time. i think printks should work.

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Try this:

if (kdata1 == 60) then
    printks "Hey!%n", 0
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if (kstatus == 144 && kdata1%12==0 ) then

printks "hey",0


this seemed to do the trick but it prints 2 heys when I press the C

It works correctly here, just tried on Cabbage with its virtual midi keyboard

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can you share the code I want to compare if anything is different. And how do you open the virtual midi keyboard :joy:

form caption("Untitled") size(400, 300), guiMode("queue"), pluginId("def1")
keyboard bounds(8, 158, 381, 95)
-n -d -+rtmidi=NULL -M0 -m0d --midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity-amp=5

sr        =  44100
ksmps     =  10
nchnls    =  1

massign         0, 130 
pgmassign       0, 130  

instr   130

knotelength    init    0
knoteontime    init    0

kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2                  midiin

;if (kstatus == 128) then
;knoteofftime    times
;knotelength    =    knoteofftime - knoteontime
;printks "\nkstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\tnote#  = %d, velocity = %d \\tNote OFF\\t%f %f\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1,kdata2, knoteofftime, knotelength
;elseif (kstatus == 144) then
;   knoteontime    times
;   printks "\nkstatus= %d, kchan = %d, \\tnote#  = %d, velocity = %d \\tNote ON\\t%f\\n", 0, kstatus, kchan, kdata1, kdata2, knoteontime
;   if (kdata1%12 == 0) then
;       printks "\nHey!%n", 0
;   endif

if (kstatus == 144 && kdata1%12 == 0) then

    printks "hey",0




i130 0 3600


You have also another way of doing it above, using 2 ifs, just uncomment that portion

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in general, i would not use midiin for this purpose, but something like

massign 0,“GetMisi”

instr GetMidi
if notnum()%12 == 0 then

not tested, but i hope it works …


Thanks for everyones help.