Hello Everybody!
I’m digging into the FFT department of Csound right now and i’m still trying to understand some Stuff out of the Floss Manual.
I try to get my head around this UDO:
opcode FileToPvsBuf, iik, kSoop
kTrig, Sfile, iFFTsize, iOverlap, iWinsize, iWinshape xin
iFFTsize = (iFFTsize == 0 ? 1024 : iFFTsize)
iOverlap = (iOverlap == 0 ? 256 : iOverlap)
iWinsize = (iWinsize == 0 ? iFFTsize : iWinsize)
if kTrig == 1 then
iLen filelen Sfile
kNumCycles = iLen*kr
kCycle init 0
while kCycle < kNumCycles do
aIn soundin Sfile
fftin pvsanal aIn, iFFTsize, iOverlap, iWinsize, iWinshape
iBuf, kTim pvsbuffer fftin, iLen+(iFFTsize/sr)
kCycle += 1
xout iBuf, iLen, kTim
Especially these lines:
kNumCycles = iLen*kr
iBuf, kTim pvsbuffer fftin, iLen+(iFFTsize/sr)
I try to explain what i understand and maybe you can correct me or explain it with your words? This would definitiv help me with understanding this.
kNumCycles = iLenkr → setting the length / duration of the loop to read the whole soundfile into the buffer. iLenkr is the Length of the Soundfile in kCycles?
iBuf, kTim pvsbuffer fftin, iLen+(iFFTsize/sr) → iLen+(iFFTsize/sr) i don’t get this at all. Is just adding something to make the buffer circular and the first value is overwritten?
Maybe someone can help me.
All the best,