I worked a bit with CSOUND many years ago - and Markov chain generated music - but not together and I thought I’d see what was possible now (after 20+ years of development) and found the latest version of blue (I recall that it also existed back then) - so I have started poking around in blue and wanted to go on blueshare - but was met by the image shown. I thought it might be fixed after some days - but it’s still there after 5 days - so …
Ah, this was a problem where my webserver’s disk was full. I have removed some things and BlueShare looks to be working once again.
Fantastic Fast and Vonderfull - I’ll try it tomorrow
tors. 6. mar. 2025 01.25 skrev Steven Yi via The Csound Community <noreply@forum.csound.com>:
Unfortunately the problem is still there when I just tried - I still get the same error - perhaps your server has been possessed by an unfriendly program that keeps filling it up?
I think it might have… Will be traveling the next few days but will see if I can find some time to investigate