My reading of this is that it will null only the start and end of the array if non zero. I guess that will prevent any future processing block from reading that data. You’d need to look into the source to get to the bottom of it
Thanks Rory! I also asked in the Mailing List and it’s clear now:
offset may be nonzero at a start of a event, and only then. so buffer writing is starting at the offset position.
early may be nonzero at the end of a event, and only then.
I’m still digging through the Csound Codebase to understand some stuff. Bit what i see all the time, and is maybe just for core development, is this: IGN(csound);
For what is this?
I hadn’t spotted that macro before, but it’s defined here. Considering it is being used to void certain things, IGN must stand for ignore. I guess it’s used to stop pesky compiler warnings.
No i have some trouble with my init function.
I don’t know what happens, but Csound seems to be not allocating memory for my pointer.
When i use my compiled plugin opcode i see my error message, which i implied already for debugging, but i don’t know what i do wrong at all: